Leaving from Hurricane River Campground, walk on the old access road back in time to an isolated Lake Superior lighthouse. Exposed shipwreck remains dot the shoreline, and the quiet light station gives you a feeling of yesteryear where families lived and worked from 1874 to 1958. Guided tours of the lighthouse is available for a small fee. Pets allowed on road and light station grounds.
Au Sable Light Station – 3.0 miles round trip
OTHER Accommodations
vacation homes
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your trip
No matter what time of year you plan to travel to Munising, it’s best to plan to ensure your vacation goes as smoothly as possible. But don’t worry, we have all the resources you need.
Munising offers an array of options for dining out, from fast-casual establishments to upscale restaurants.Â
Munising offers countless lodging options to choose from, including boutique hotels, small family-owned motels, and secluded cottages and cabins.Â
Whether you want to snowmobile, view some of the most beautiful fall foliage in America, or relax on a magical beach, Munising’s four seasons have something for everyone.
While its rural location is part of the charm, cell service can be an issue for some arriving in the Upper Peninsula. Fortunately, we have a range of maps and guides to help you along the way.